“Wellness Cooking”


9 lessons of 1.5 – 2 hours
46 topics
Lecturer – sports nutritionist, fitness trainer



Composition of the course:

  • Fundamentals of a balanced diet
  • Fats, carbohydrates and their functions
  • Calculations
  • Usefulness and safety of products, alkalinity, acidity of products
  • Basic rules for choosing products
  • First courses meat and vegetarian
  • Second courses and side dishes
  • Cocktails, smoothies, drinks cold and hot. Sweets without sugar, sweeteners and flour


  • You will understand the basics of a balanced diet.
  • Learn how to make food varied and tasty.
  • Learn how to create dishes that are minimal in calories, tasty and healthy.
  • Cooking won’t take long.
  • The menu will include recipes with healthy desserts, even cakes and sweets.
  • Find substitutes for sweets.
  • The food will be affordable and tasty, but at the same time useful.
  • You can remake any recipes into useful ones and preserve their original taste as much as possible.
  • You will learn how to create a healthy, tasty, varied diet.
  • And all this will help to create the body of your dreams.


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